Evening dresses

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Evening dress is an elegant dress, which is worn on occasions of more or less important events. The length varies depending on the fashion of the moment and the importance of the event itself. You can leave your knee uncovered until you reach the height of the calf. When it is at least 5 cm above the ankle it is considered a tea dress, while when it reaches the ankle, it is identified as a ballerina-length dress, even if this is counted among evening dresses.

A cocktail dress, today, should not be very long or too flashy, but always well built and of good quality then. These are principles not to be overlooked, as the cocktail dress is part of the dress code for events of a certain importance. Unlike evening or gala gowns, the cocktail dress for important events today must be not too decorated, showy and its length should not be above the knee, or exceed mid-calf. The important thing is that the fabric is always fine, quality: satin, velvet, taffeta, lace or silk in its various types. It is usually sleeveless and neckless, but there is a golden rule that should always be respected: the more open and rich it is from the waist down, the more it must be sober in the upper part, and vice versa.

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you can buy more special models for evening dresses

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